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7 Courses

Business Analyst - Module 1
Business Analyst
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Business Analyst

Business Analyst - Module 1

Introduction to Business Analyst

Business Analyst Role – Overview

Skills of a Business Analyst 

Introduction - Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

Different roles in (SDLC)

Environments Business Analyst will operate in

PayPalStripe Payment
Business Analyst - Module 2
Business Analyst
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Business Analyst

Business Analyst - Module 2

Software Development Lifecycle

Methods of Software Development Lifecycle



Flavors of Agile

Difference Between Waterfall & Agile

PayPalStripe Payment
Business Analyst - Module 3
Business Analyst
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Business Analyst

Business Analyst - Module 3

Agile Scrum in depth 

Seating Arrangements 

Team strengths

Agile ceremonies 

BA Role in each ceremony


Burndown & Burnup Chart

Application environments 

UAT & Release

Ready & Done

PayPalStripe Payment
Business Analyst - Module 4
Business Analyst
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Business Analyst

Business Analyst - Module 4

Integration, API – Introduction

Elicitation Process

As Is, To Be & Gap Analysis 

Methods of Elicitation

Extrapolation Process

Understanding Business Requirements, Functional & Non-Functional requirements 

Examples of BR, FR & NFR

PayPalStripe Payment
Business Analyst - Module 5
Business Analyst
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Business Analyst

Business Analyst - Module 5

Business Requirement Document

Functional Requirement Document

Non-Functional Requirement Document 

Creating Epics, User Stories & Acceptance Criteria 

Creating Backlog

Different Types of Backlogs 

Types of Stories Estimating methods

Creating Use cases

PayPalStripe Payment
Business Analyst - Module 6
Business Analyst
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Business Analyst

Business Analyst - Module 6

Introduction to Manual Testing

Software Testing life cycle 

Defect Triage Process

Introduction to Test Plan and Test Case

Creating Test plan & Test Cases

Types of Testing

Severity & Priority of Defects

Introduction to Structure Query Language (SQL)

Understanding Rows & Tables

Writing SQL Queries

Real life projects discussion – Financial & Health Care Domain

PayPalStripe Payment
Business Analyst - Module 7
Business Analyst
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Business Analyst

Business Analyst - Module 7

BA Interview questions & Answers

Job applying process 

Introduction to Atlassian products

What is Jira, who uses Jira

BA role in Jira

What is Confluence, who uses Confluence 

BA role in Confluence 

PayPalStripe Payment